
CHIEF STEWARD: Michelle Bond (0412 620374)
ENTRY FEE: Free, prizecards, special prizes as outlined
ENTRY SUBMISSION: 3.30pm – 5.30pm Wednesday 13 March 2024. Entry forms can be downloaded from the website and emailed to yassshowentries@gmail.com before 3 pm Wednesday 13 March 2024 or delivered to the Grandstand Dining Room with your entries.
ENTRY COLLECTION: Entries can be collected between 10am and 12pm on Sunday 17 March 2024, under strict Steward supervision.
Special regulations:
Entries must be the bona fide work of the exhibitor, be of recent work and not hung in a previous Yass Show.
Entries must be mounted on heavy card or matt board. Framed photographs with not be hung or judged.
All entries to have name and address on the back of the entry.
Junior Section entries to also have the age of the exhibitor on the back of the entry.
The Yass Show Society Inc will exercise all care with exhibits, but will not be responsible for any loss or damage whilst in its custody.
All classes include colour and black and white photography and enlargements are encouraged.
Photocopies will not be accepted and photographs with dates will not be accepted.
Prizes and awards will be given at the Judge’s discretion and will replace prizemoney where applicable. Stewards have the right to split prizemoney wherever deemed necessary.
High School entries may be grouped into age categories with a split in prizemoney at the Judge’s discretion.
Local Amateur Exhibitor must not have previously been published or had work on exhibition.
9. Junior – Infants - $10 donated by Michelle and David Thornely
10. Junior – Primary - $20 donated by Michelle and David Thornely
11. Junior – High School - $20 donated by Michelle and David Thornely