CHIEF STEWARD: Anne Hazell (0419 497846)
ENTRY FEE: Free, prizemoney - 1st$4, 2nd $2, Champion Exhibit $20
ENTRY SUBMISSION: 1.00 – 6.00pm Tuesday 12 March 2024 – deliver directly to the Round House Pavilion along with your entry form. Entry forms can be downloaded directly from the website.
ENTRY COLLECTION: Entries can be collected between 10am and 12pm on Sunday
17 March 2024.
Special Regulations
a. All entries must have NAME and DATE of BIRTH attached underneath each exhibit.
b. All entries are to be staged by the exhibitor.
c. Definitions:
32 stud square base - Standard square Lego base plate (254mm x 254mm)
48 stud square base - Lego base plate 48 x 48 studs (380mm x 380mm)
Lego MOC - My Own Creation. A model created using a majority of LEGO brand elements. The design to be primarily original.
d. All entries not to exceed 48 x 48 studs (380mm x 380mm), no height restrictions.
INFANT – (5 years and under as at 12 March 2024)
LEGO MOC – own creation, 32 stud square base (254mm x 254mm and smaller)
JUNIOR - (8 years and under as at 12 March 2024)
LEGO MOC - own creation, 32 stud square base (254mm x 254mm and smaller)
LEGO MOC - own creation, up to 48x 48 stud square base (380mm x 380mm)
PRIMARY STUDENT - (12 years and under as at 12 March 2024)
LEGO MOC - own creation, 32 stud square base (254mm x 254mm and smaller)
LEGO MOC - own creation, up to 48x 48 stud square base (380mm x 380mm)
SECONDARY STUDENT – (15 years and under as 12 March 2024)
LEGO MOC - own creation, up to 40 x 48 stud square base (380mm x 380mm)
GROUP WORK – our own creation (8 years and under as at 12 March 2024)
GROUP WORK – our own creation (12 years and under as at 12 March 2024)
CHAMPION EXHIBIT - $20 donated by Anne Hazell